1989-1990 Chair, Student Paper Competition Committee, American Association for Public Opinion Research.
1990 Member, Planning Committee for the 1990 National Election Study.
1990 Member, Conference Committee for the 1991 Annual Meeting, American Association for Public Opinion Research.
1991 Participant in an Expert Questionnaire Evaluation Panel as a part of a Project Comparing Pre-Testing Methods, National Center for Health Statistics.
1994 Member, Student Paper Competition Committee, American Association for Public Opinion Research.
1995 Member, National Science Foundation Special Grant Proposal Evaluation Panel on Valuation for Environmental Policy.
1996 Member, Student Paper Competition Committee, American Association for Public Opinion Research.
1996 Member, Planning Committee for the 1996 National Election Study.
1997-2001 Member, Conference Committee, American Association for Public Opinion Research
2003, 2004 Annual Meeting.
1998 Member, Planning Committee for the 1998 National Election Pilot Study.
1999 Senior Research Advisor, The Gallup Organization.
1997-2006 Member, Board of Overseers, National Election Studies, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.
2000-2003 Member, Governing Council, International Society of Political Psychology.
2000-2003 Member, Conference Committee, International Society of Political Psychology.
2000-2002 Member, Survey Methodology Group of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.
2000-2008 Member, Board of Overseers, General Social Survey, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago.
2001 Member, Advisory Board of the Canadian Election Study, McGill University, University of Montreal, University of Toronto.
2001-2002 Associate Conference Chair, American Association for Public Opinion Research.
2001-2002 Chair, Committee to Award the Erik H. Erikson Early Career Award for Excellence and Creativity in the Field of Political Psychology, International Society of Political Psychology.
2001 Member, Visiting Committee to Evaluate a Proposed PhD. Program in Survey Research and Methodology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
2002 Member, Advisory Panel, Special Competition to Fund Research on Survey and Statistical Methodology; Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics Program, National Science Foundation.
2003 Member, Advisory Board of the Canadian Election Study, McGill University, University of Montreal, University of Toronto.
2004-2006 Member, Advisory Committee for the Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation.
2004 Member, Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure and the Social Sciences, National Science Foundation.
2005 Organizing committee, Conference entitled “New Approaches to Understanding Participation in Surveys,” Belmont Conference Center, Elkridge, Maryland, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
2005 Member, Philip E. Converse Book Award Committee, American Political Science Association.
2005 Member, Nominating committee, International Society for Political Psychology.
2005 Member, Working Group on Public Attitudes and Ethical Issues, Global Roundtable on Climate Change, Earth Institute, Columbia University.
2006 Dissertation committee member, William M. van der Veld, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Amsterdam.
2007 Participant, “Public Understanding of Mathematics/Mathematicians Understanding the Public” Conference, Mathematical Sciences Education Board, The National Academies, Washington, D.C.
2007 Associated Scientist, Statistics and Methodology Department, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago.
2007 Participant, “Workshop on Planning for the Future of the General Social Survey,” National Science Foundation.
2007- Member, Advisory Board, Book Series on Political Psychology, Oxford University Press.
2007- Member, International Advisory Board, Measurement and Experiments in the Social Sciences, Institute for Data Collection and Research, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands
2008 Participant, “Meeting to Assess Public Attitudes about Climate Change,” sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA, and the Center for Excellence in Climate Change Communication Research.
2012 Chair, Committee to Conduct a Site Visit Review of the General Social Survey for the National Science Foundation.
2011-2016 Member, Advisory Committee for the Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, NSF.
2012 Member, Policy Impact Award Committee, American Association for Public Opinion Research.
2012 Member, Advisory Committee on Study to Evaluate the Impact of Survey Response Rates, Pew Researcher Center.
2012- Member, Advisory Board, Voice of the People.
2012 Chair, Subcommittee on the Future of Survey Research, Advisory Committee for the Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation.
2013-2016 Member, Governing Council, International Society of Political Psychology.
2012-2015 Member, Subcommittee on Replication in Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science Research, Advisory Committee for the Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation.
2014- Member, Int'l Advisory Board, Norwegian Citizen Panel, Digital Social Science Core Faculty, University of Bergen.
2015- Member, Standing Committee on the Future of NSF-Supported Social Science Surveys, Committee on National Statistics, Div of Behavioral and Social Science and Education, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine.
2016 Chair, Committee to Award the Noel Markwell Media Award, International Society of Political Psychology.