In addition to his specialty as an expert on questionnaire design, Dr. Krosnick teaches workshops for professionals on all aspects of survey design and analysis. Topics covered include the drawing of samples to represent populations accurately, the impact of mode of data collection on results, the selection and hiring of interviewers, the management of field operations, the cleaning and processing of data, optimal control of measurement error during data analysis, and transparent reporting practices.
One major project of Dr. Krosnick's was the creation of the "Face-to-Face Recruited Internet Survey Platform" (FFRISP), a random probability sample of individuals of American adults who were equipped with high-speed internet access and computers and agreed to do monthly surveys. The FFRISP operated successfully with more than 90% retention of the original sample after a year of data collection. Through the experience creating and operating this panel, Dr. Krosnick gained many insights into the effective recruitment and maintenance of a survey panel, and he routinely provides advice on such matters to organizations.